We Gather to Care for our Community and the World
We gather to strengthen one another with the fellowship in God's Word. Acts 2:42 states that the first Christians gathered frequently and were "devoted to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers." This verse forms the basis for Christian life together.
The Church's fellowship must be founded upon the teachings of the Apostles. They taught the primary belief that the world was created perfect and sinless in six, twenty-four-hour days, but that Satan caused the first humans to sin. They also taught that after the fall Jesus, God's only-begotten Son, redeemed the sinful world through His work upon the cross which means He took the sins we commit with Him, killing them there when He died. Furthermore, the Apostles taught that Jesus did not stay in the grave. He came back to life, and in His resurrection we also have eternal life. Furthermore, they believed that the Holy Spirit calls us to faith and that believing is not our work. If it were left up to our actions, we would never be sure if we were saved. So, instead of trusting in ourselves, we trust only in Jesus.
Based upon this fundamental belief in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), we live our lives for God in faith and for each other through service. It's important to remember that the things we do to help our neighbor are never done to earn God's love and win salvation, rather they are done because God loves us and has already freely given eternal life. Our love (service) toward each other is done because we are first loved by God.
Therefore, as a caring community we:
- Encourage each other and those outside our fellowship to worship regularly.
- Pray for one another, for our nation, and the Church
- Do purposeful acts of service within our community such as supporting Helping Hands, a local food bank
- Make care visits on those who are homebound, providing spiritual strength through God's Word and companionship.
- Join together in various social activities to build a strong sense of community
- Witness our faith at home, school, and work to those who need the grace and mercy of Jesus.
- Support missionaries throughout the world.
- Provide money to fund Lutheran Bible Translators.
- Donate to our seminary’s food and clothing co-op.