Sunday Worship Information
At Bethel we aim to incorporate all members and visitors fully into the reception of God's marvelous grace in an appropriate way. We know that visiting a new church can be stressful so, we promise to help you feel at home without being over-bearing. We want you to fit-in and simply receive the grace our Savior so freely offers. To that end, here are our promises to you:

Our Promises
- You will not be embarrassed by not knowing what to do or where to go. Our ushers and greeters will be happy to assist you in any way possible, and our bulletins are fully printed out so you will never be lost.
- We will not ask you to stand and introduce yourself or wear a name tag targeting you as a visitor. We promise to give you plenty of space to soak-in the beauty and significance of the Divine Service.
- We promise to not shake you down for money. We don't apologize for the offering during the service as the gifts received are an expression of gratitude and dependance upon God, but we don't expect you to participate in the offering. As a matter of fact, we receive it as a door offering so there is no guilt or embarrassment whatsoever.
- We promise to be friendly and welcoming, so plan on sticking around after the service for a cup of coffee and a donut, Bible study, and fellowship.
- We promise not to judge your appearance. Come casual or wear your best, it doesn’t matter. What matters is you are here and we are thankful.
- We promise to preach God's Word in its truth and purity. He inspired it to be written without mistake and man cannot improve upon it, so, we simply preach Christ and Him crucified. What that means is, we preach the full and unadulterated Bible.
- We promise to provide you a well-done, beautiful, and reverent service that focuses only upon the soul-saving work of Christ.
Nursery Area
During the Divine Service, a nursery area is available for children birth through age two who need to stretch their legs and lungs. We do, however, encourage them to remain in worship with their parents as much as possible. After the service, children who are three and older have the opportunity to attend Sunday School.

Frequently Asked Questions
What's a service like?
Worship is heaven on earth. You’ll be transported out of the mundane and profane, that is common, world that’s chuck full of troubles into the marvelous and profound reality of God’s presence among us. While we are lifted to another realm in the Divine Service, the language remains up-to-date and accessible. We promise that you will understand everything that’s spoken, sung, or prayed.
What's the music like?
Heavenly. As you sing our hymns, you’ll find they convey the truths of God’s grace to us and that they both support the foundational beliefs of Scripture, but also serve as the voice of the living Gospel. The aim of church music is not performance, rather it’s the proclamation of Jesus and intended to draw you out of yourself and into a closer relationship with Him.
How do people dress?
You need to be comfortable in worship. Some are comfortable wearing their very best while others are comfortable wearing casual clothing. it doesn't matter, so wear what you desire.
Can I take communion?
In the Lord’s Supper we receive nothing less than the true body and blood of Jesus Christ together with the bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins and strengthening of our faith. Scripture also teaches that this Sacrament is a confession, that is and expression, of common faith and that we should agree on what it is before communing. We encourage those who have not been fully instructed about the Sacrament to speak with our pastor before receiving it. We would love to incorporate you into the Lord’s Holy Meal but want to ensure you fully understand all that takes place there.
How can I get connected?
Join us for Worship and stay for fellowship. This is the best way to really learn what we’re about and we desire your participation. You ae important to us and have much to offer, so join in our Divine Services, stay for a cup of coffee and Bible Study. We also have several Bible studies throughout the week and your contribution is always desired as we gather around God’s Word.
What can you do today to stay connected?
Like our Facebook and join the Bethel Lutheran group, or, subscribe to our YouTube page where you’ll find many videos.
Find us in the community: You’ll also find our members active in Tri-county area events such as the Fall Festival.
Where do I park?
We have a large parking lot that wraps around the church building on three sides. We suggest parking on the east side of the lot as it is closest to our main entrance.
If you need to drop off someone from your household at the door, please feel free to do so.